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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu soc.college:16730 soc.net-people:5468 news.answers:4689
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- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!news.media.mit.edu!micro-heart-of-gold.mit.edu!news.bbn.com!usc!cs.utexas.edu!torn!news.ccs.queensu.ca!qucis.queensu.ca!dalamb
- From: dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca (David Lamb)
- Subject: FAQ: College Email Addresses 3/3 [Monthly posting]
- Message-ID: <faq3_724597813@qucis.QueensU.CA>
- Followup-To: poster
- Supersedes: <faq3_722005814@qucis.QueensU.CA>
- Reply-To: dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca
- Organization: Computing & Information Science, Queen's University
- References: <faq1_724597813@qucis.QueensU.CA>
- Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1992 13:10:33 GMT
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: Sat, 30 Jan 1993 13:10:13 GMT
- Lines: 972
- Archive-name: college-email/part3
- Last-Modified: Wed Dec 16 09:39:08 1992 by David Lamb
- Version: 3.24
- This is the last third of the summary of how to find email addresses
- for undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff at various
- colleges and universities.
- ;;; ********************************
- ;;; Email Database: U-Z ************
- ;;; ********************************
- Univ. of Dayton (Ohio):
- School of Engineering: udecc.engr.udayton.edu
- CPS: udcps3.cps.udayton.edu
- General: udavxb.oca.udayton.edu
- Univ. of Delaware:
- All undergraduate students, graduate students and faculty have
- accounts on the university system. The computer name is
- brahms.udel.edu
- also there are chopin.udel.edu, bach.udel.edu and ravel.udel.edu, but
- these are redundant because they share accounts and files with brahms.
- The login name is a random 5-digit number until the user changes it,
- then it is whatever the user picks. Fingering last names will work to
- find the login name, but since there are thousands of accounts, it may
- produce an overload of information.
- The College of Marine Studies maintains a computer system. Students
- and faculty have accounts with login names of their choosing on
- several computers, such as
- earthview.cms.udel.edu
- mingming.cms.udel.edu
- chester.cms.udel.edu
- There are several other sparcstations around but they share accounts
- with the ones named above.
- Univ. of Florida (Gainesville, FL):
- Finger lastname@wasp.eng.ufl.edu. Contains complete listings
- for people in the College of Engineering, and some listings
- for people in other departments.
- Univ. of Illinois, Champ.:
- CS: mail to lastname@cs.uiuc.edu or flastname@cs.uiuc.edu
- should work.
- Campus: mail to f-lastname@uiuc.edu and firstname-lastname@uiuc.edu
- usually works.
- Student Accounts: uxa.cso.uiuc.edu Every freshman gets an
- account on this machine. Usernames are usually the user's
- three initials, followed by five random characters.
- CS/Grad Stud Research: m.cs.uiuc.edu (Encore Multimax)
- Math (Grads, Faculty, Staff): lastname@math.uiuc.edu
- Classes: ux1.cso.uiuc.edu, hendrix.ece.uiuc.edu
- (Purely instructional. 1 semester accounts on this machine.)
- Faculty: are mostly on ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
- whois -h uiuc.edu <names>
- It is usually possible to send mail to f-lastname@uiuc.edu or
- firstname-lastname@uiuc.edu. If that fails, you will get a
- message which tells you why the email could not be sent.
- From BITNET, it is possible to get information about any student by
- executing the command 'TELL PHSERVE AT UIUCVMD firstname
- lastname RETURN ALL.'
- Univ. of Illinois/Chicago: uicvm.cc.uic.edu (userids of the form Uxxxxx)
- Univ. of Iowa:
- Engineers - on the Apollo ring
- - @icaen.uiowa.edu
- - First Inital Middle Initial Last Name
- Others - @weeg.uiowa.edu
- Univ. of Kansas:
- Student Accounts: kuhub.cc.ukans.edu
- Most user ID's are their last names (first 6 letters).
- Univ. of Kentucky:
- The WHOIS server at UK maintains user databases for the following
- Kentucky universities:
- University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
- University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
- Morehead State University, Morehead, KY
- Murray State University, Murray, KY
- Transylvania University, Lexington, KY
- Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY
- Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY
- Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY
- =========================
- If you have BITNET access, you can query the WHOIS server interactively,
- using the TELL command. For instance:
- or
- If you don't have access to BITNET, you can query the WHOIS server via
- electronic mail. Send your email to whois@ukcc.uky.edu, and place your
- commands in the body (NOT the Subject line) of the message. The HELP
- command will send you back a full list of commands.
- Student Accounts: redrock.nevada.edu
- uns-helios.nevada.edu is used by some students, but may be
- changing into a research machine.
- Univ. of Louisville: @ULKYVX.BITNET
- Univ. of Maine:
- Campus mainframe: username@maine.bitnet
- CS Faculty and Students: userid@gandalf.umcs.maine.edu
- Univ. of Maryland:
- All students (grad and undergrad) may request an account on
- wam.umd.edu (Workstations At Maryland). All undergrads (and
- probably graduate students too) may request accounts on
- eng.umd.edu; most engineering graduate students have accounts
- on eng.umd.edu. Finger using the lastname at these hosts.
- CS Faculty/Staff/Graduate Students: cs.umd.edu
- telnet info.umd.edu and login as lookup for faculty/staff
- E-mail directory. Campus has universal faculty/staff E-mail
- on info.umd.edu (aka umail.umd.edu). Whois and finger do not
- work off campus for this computer, though. If you know the name, try
- firstname_lastname@umail.umd.edu.
- Univ. of Massachusetts/Amherst:
- Students/Faculty: first.{mi.}last@student.umass.edu (This is
- on the CDC Cyber NOS/VE system.) Another common format is
- first.{mi.}last@saturn.ucc.umass.edu. Saturn is the name
- of the computer. Many people, especially faculty, have a
- departmental abbreviation in place of "student" or
- "saturn.ucc".
- Graduate CS students: cs.umass.edu Username is person's lastname.
- Intro CS courses: S#######@tethys.ucc.umass.edu, where #######
- is a 7-digit student number.
- Engineering: {fi}lastname@ecs.umass.edu. Names defaults to
- last name, but may include the first initial if the last name
- is not unique.
- Student directory service: (413)-545-1515 for finding a phone number.
- Univ. of Massachusetts/Lowell:
- All CS students and University UNIX users are generally
- addressable as flllllll@cs.ulowell.edu. Adjustments are made
- for conflicts such as adding the middle initial after the
- first, or adding additional letters from the first name.
- Not all students automatically get accounts on the VMS system,
- but if they do they can be addressed as llllllf@woods.ulowell.edu.
- Finger works on this machine, but isn't very informative. If there is
- a name conflict, they will add letters from the first name or numeric
- digits (1, 2, etc.) until it is unique.
- Univ. of Michigan:
- The best place to try to find an e-mail address for a faculty,
- students, and staff at U-M is via the X.500 White Pages service.
- There are many ways in which this can be accessed, but one easy
- way is through finger (finger firstname.lastname@umich.edu).
- (The X.500 Directory also contains business addresses, business
- phone numbers, titles, and home addresses and phone numbers in
- the case where the person has granted such permission.)
- If the person has registered an e-mail address, it will appear;
- if the person has not, follow the advice of the X.500 server and
- try fingering the person at um.cc.umich.edu (the mainframe),
- caen.engin.umich.edu (the College of Engineering mail hub), or
- med.umich.edu (the Medical Campus mail hub).
- People with accounts on um.cc.umich.edu also have a Bitnet
- address: USERxxx@UMICHUM.BITNET where 'xxxx' is the person's
- account on the mainframe.
- A database of U of Michigan student and faculty phone numbers
- and addresses (not email addresses, just phones) is available through
- the "gopher" server running at gopher.uis.itd.umich.edu port 70, also
- available via telnet to gopher.micro.umn.edu (login: gopher) in the
- "Other gophers" menu or the "phone books" menu. This gopher
- phone number database has been changed to access X.500.
- Grad students in EECS get accounts on eecs.umich.edu. (The
- specific machine names are dip and zip, but eecs forwards
- appropriately.)
- Usernames are either lastname, or of the form Fname_Lname.
- 313- ann arbor info 764-1817 998-7999
- If all else fails, you can always mail the request to the U-M
- postmaster at postmaster@umich.edu.
- Alternately:
- telnet to or hermes.merit.edu
- press return until you get a "Which Host?" prompt
- type FINGER UM <return> NAME <return>
- to get finger information for NAME
- Univ. of Minnesota:
- CS Grad StudsL: lastname@umn-cs.cs.umn.edu
- Undergrads in technical majors will have temporary accounts on
- ux.acss.umn.edu, vx.acss.umn.edu, or ca.acss.umn.edu, for classes.
- Chemistry (faculty, staff, grads): lname@chemsun.chem.umn.edu
- The login is usually the person's last name, although there
- are some exceptions.
- Statistics: umnstat.stat.umn.edu. Userid varies; use finger.
- In general, try fingering fname_mname_lname@umn.edu.
- Univ. of Missouri/Rolla:
- cs.umr.edu
- Univ. of Missouri/St. Louis:
- CS: arch.umsl.edu
- This machine isn't fingerable, but its address info is
- available by fingering at aber.umsl.edu.
- Undergrads: clemens.umsl.edu, twain.umsl.edu
- The id can be obtained by fingering either of these machines using the
- last name of the student.
- Univ. of Nebraska at Omaha:
- Undergraduate Students and Faculty: zeus.unomaha.edu (unoma1.bitnet)
- Main academic VAX running VMS.
- All computer science students receive academic accounts of the
- form CCXXX where CC is a 2-character class code and XXX is a number
- from 000 (usually the instructor) up to 999 (usually smaller than
- 050 in practice). These accounts are reset each semester
- Permanent accounts are also on Zeus, usually a last name or
- nickname. Permanent student accounts are of the form ZAXXX
- for unaffiliated students, or organizational forms like ACMXXX
- and IEEEXXX for members of their respective student organizations.
- Any undergraduate student who asks nicely can get a ZA account,
- or an organizational account if they are a member.
- Graduate Students and Faculty: odin.unomaha.edu
- Main campus Unix workstation (running DEC Ultrix)
- Finger by login ID (usually some form of the name) or by proper name.
- Any graduate student or senior undergrad pursuing an academic
- project can get an Odin account.
- Math/CS Students and Faculty: unocss.unomaha.edu (not fingerable)
- UNO Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery: acm.unomaha.edu
- All members have accounts, usually some form of the name (not
- fingerable, this computer is also the former unocss.unomaha.edu in
- case you haven't guessed). Polite mail to postmaster@acm.unomaha.edu
- may yield information about an ACM member or math/CS student.
- Univ. of Nebraska at Lincoln:
- Engineering: engvms.unl.edu
- Computing Staff and some students: crcvms.unl.edu
- CS students: cse.unl.edu
- All students above the classification of sophomore have name accounts
- on cse.unl.edu (first initial appended to the last name) but you can
- also finger the machine.
- Univ. of New Brunswick: (Fredericton, NB, Canada)
- Computing Services: csd.unb.ca
- All students are automatically given MUSIC accounts on the VM
- service and can send and receive mail, however, there is at
- present no easy way to determine the MUSIC id knowing the name
- of the student. Depending on course requirements, students may
- also have accounts on the MVS or UNIX systems.
- Requests for non-student userids can be sent to our on-line
- directory server. Send mail to Directry@UNB.Ca, If the 1st
- non-blank line of the mail is Help or Find name, the name will be
- searched and the results mailed back to the address in the From:
- field of the mail. The server is bilingual (English/French) and
- will also respond to the commands Aide or Recherche name.
- MVS machine: unbmvs1.csd.UNB.ca
- VM machine: unbvm1.csd.UNB.ca
- UNIX machine: jupiter.sun.csd.UNB.ca (finger works)
- Univ. of New Hampshire:
- General university users: unhh.unh.edu (same as
- hilbert.unh.edu). User names, both student and staff, are
- generally of the form F_LAST where F is the person's first
- initial and LAST is the person's last name.
- CS class accounts and undergrad CS: kepler.unh.edu. User
- names are usually the person's initials (sometimes postfixed
- by a 3 digit course number for intro classes).
- Grad CS and Faculty: cs.unh.edu. With only a few exceptions,
- all logins are the person's initials.
- Univ. of New Mexico
- Try finger lastname@carina.unm.edu. User names are usually of the
- form FLLLLLLL (8 characters max). Accounts may be on many different
- hosts within unm.edu but the finger database on carina seems to know
- where all the accounts are. If carina is unavailable try vesta.
- Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill:
- CS: All CS students get an account on the network of workstations.
- The login is usually just the first 8 characters of the student's
- last name. Name conflicts are usually resolved by appending
- the first initial and/or the middle initial to the last name.
- Mail may be sent to username@cs.unc.edu. You may finger both by
- userid and real name at cs.unc.edu.
- Faculty and Staff: One can get an email address from the online
- phonebook.
- telnet to
- login as info
- follow the menus to Campus Directory
- OR
- telnet to
- a couple of returns
- at '#' prompt type info
- follow menus to Campus Directory
- Medical School: students, staff, and faculty.
- finger name@boone.med.unc.edu
- finger name@winton.med.unc.edu
- (They alternate each incoming year between the 2 servers to
- parcel out disk space better, so fingering @med.unc.edu won't
- work. However, once you know the user id, send mail to
- user@med.unc.edu.)
- Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte:
- userid@mosaic.uncc.edu
- Userids are of the form fmlastname.
- Univ. of North Dakota: see North Dakota Network
- Univ. of North Florida
- CS undergrads, grads, faculty: flast@unf6.cis.unf.edu, where last may
- be limited to 6-8 characters.
- Information Science undergrads: unf1vm.cis.unf.edu. Unfortunately
- names are assigned randomly, so it's nearly impossible to guess
- unless you already have contact with someone.
- Others generally don't have accounts unless they ask for them.
- Univ. of Notre Dame:
- The University of Notre Dame now supports full name human readable
- e-mail addresses, such as John.Q.Student.1@nd.edu. All members
- of the Notre Dame community have e-mail addresses on nd.edu; however,
- at this time (June, 1992) the vast majority of them are
- "uninitialized". This means the user has not specifically told the
- server how to deliver e-mail to this user, so e-mail to this user will
- fail.
- All members of the Notre Dame community also have userids in our AFS
- file space. Userids in this file space tend to be of the form
- flllllll or flllllln. Some users who use the AFS file system might
- not have initialized their entries on the nd.edu name server;
- conversely, many community members who can receive mail via nd.edu
- ignore their AFS userids.
- Notre Dame also has many other central and departmental computer
- systems which can send and receive e-mail. As more and more users
- initialize their nameserver accounts there will be less need to
- remember these specific local systems and userids. However, for the
- time being, they are often the best addresses for some members
- of the Notre Dame community.
- All students are given accounts on darwin.cc.nd.edu, but not
- all students use them. Usernames are of the form flllllll. In
- case of name conflicts, numbers are added to the end to disambiguate.
- Questions can be sent to info@nd.edu.
- Univ. of Oklahoma/Norman:
- flllllll@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu
- Univ. of Oregon:
- CS Grads and Faculty: <username>@cs.uoregon.edu
- CS Undergrads/CIE: <username>@cie.uoregon.edu (this is only
- for CS undergrads subscribing to the campus information
- exchange)
- Others?: fmlast@oregon.uoregon.edu for those with email accounts
- U-mail: first.middle.last@oregon.uoregon.edu for those without
- email. Such letters are printed out with a cover sheet and
- delivered through the normal campus mail system (graduate
- students, staff, and faculty only -- undergrads do not have
- on-campus addresses).
- Univ. of Pennsylvania:
- Undergrad engineering, SEAS course accounts: eniac.seas.upenn.edu
- Undergrad/Grad Business: wharton.upenn.edu
- (all business students can get an account if they want one)
- Lastname plus two number identification string (arbitrary)
- Grad CS: grad1.cis.upenn.edu
- CS faculty/staff: central.cis.upenn.edu
- Medical School: lastname_firstinitial@a1.mscf.upenn.edu
- Medical students, biomed grad students, and some faculty
- have accounts on this system.
- Try whois -h whois.upenn.edu lname, or
- whois -h whois.upenn.edu ? for help.
- Univ. of Pittsburgh:
- Students get their choice of Unix or VMS accounts, addressed
- as user@unix.cis.pitt.edu and user@vms.cis.pitt.edu,
- respectively. Student user names are of the form fmlst, where
- fml are their initials and "st" stands for "student". To
- finger the VMS accounts you must finger at vm1.cis.pitt.edu or
- vm2.cis.pitt.edu. Mail addressed to user@cis.pitt.edu won't be
- rejected, but doesn't seem to be readable for the user's VMS account.
- Computer Science : cs.pitt.edu
- Electrical Eng : ee.pitt.edu
- Library & Info Science : lis.pitt.edu
- Medical School : med.pitt.edu
- Univ. of Rochester:
- Undergraduate, Student Staff, and a few others: uhura.cc.rochester.edu
- (fingerd has been re-enabled on uhura, but will be permanently
- disabled if finger attacks resume)
- All incoming students now receive accounts on uhura - but whether they
- use them is another matter.
- Graduate CS: cs.rochester.edu
- Class Accounts, Faculty, and Graduate: troi.cc.rochester.edu
- Psychology: prodigal.psych.rochester.edu
- Anyone _who does not already have an account on another
- machine_ can also get an account on db1.cc.rochester.edu (vax).
- Whois server: whois -h db1.cc.rochester.edu <name>
- Gives phone but not email for most faculty and staff at the
- University of Rochester and Strong Memorial Hospital.
- Userids are set up as follows: (Where xxxx is a 4 letter code based on
- your name, yyy is a 3 character random code and DPCRN is
- DePartment, Course Reference Number)
- xxxx_ltd: Standard account before August 1992; anyone can get one
- flnnnx: Standard accounts for incoming students and all new
- limited accounts. (fl initials, nnn a number, x a letter)
- xxxx_ss: Student Staff
- xxxx_eng: Some english accounts
- xxxx: Usually system staff or administrators
- yyydpcrn: Class accounts (I.E. aa1CS100 would be a computer science
- 100 class account, aa1eg150 would be English 150, etc...)
- Anyone who has an account on db1 can also mail/post from the following
- hosts: db{2,3,4,5,6,7}.cc.rochester.edu
- Univ. of Saskatchewan:
- Whois server available on access.usask.ca. Not a definitive
- list. Undergraduates generally do not have mail access and are
- not registered with the whois server.
- Other queries should be addressed to postmaster@sask.usask.ca.
- Univ. of Scranton, (Scranton, PA):
- All students are entitled to free accounts, many students don't
- use them. Generally, all math, CS, engineering, accounting and
- psychology majors use VAX accounts. Fingering by first and last
- names works.
- Students: fmlxx@jaguar.uofs.edu where f is first initial, m is
- middle initial and l is last initial, and XX is a number usually
- between 1 and 20, but sometimes higher.
- Faculty: lastname@jaguar.uofs.edu lastname is sometimes followed
- by a number but usually not.
- Univ. of South Carolina (Columbia, SC):
- Graduate CS : usceast.cs.scarolina.edu,calvin.cs.scarolina.edu
- Graduate ECE: charlie.ece.scarolina.edu
- Univ. of Southern California:
- General: usc.edu
- Undergrad: aludra.usc.edu
- nunki.usc.edu
- usc.edu
- girtab.usc.edu
- phakt.usc.edu
- Graduate: pollux.usc.edu
- chaph.usc.edu
- Robotics: iris.usc.edu
- Faculty: pollux.usc.edu
- Computing Staff: skat.usc.edu
- Others: merlin.usc.edu and castor.usc.edu
- Univ. of Southwestern Louisiana:
- The entire campus population has the option to participate in
- electronic mail. One system is reserved for campus communications,
- but users can recieve mail directly at other machines without
- participating in the centralized system.
- Name look-up:
- telnet usl.edu -or- telnet bss.usl.edu
- login as user "motd"
- select terminal type - type dumb exists if you must!
- select motd program - "mail-directory"
- for name search - n <CR>
- enter partial name then <CR>
- use "f" and "b" to flip pages
- second column is user mail address
- enter "a" or "c" to end program
- Sending mail:
- mail to address abc1234@usl.edu
- accounts typically are initials and last four digits of
- university ID #
- Users can also have easy to remember aliases setup, ask when you make
- contact. Users receiving mail at usl.edu may forward their mail to a
- machine they use more often, you will be notified after 24 hours if
- usl.edu can not forward the mail to its destination.
- Users who do not participate in the centralized mail system can have
- independant mail address on campus. Typically locations are ...
- CS/CE Grads: gator.cacs.usl.edu, swamp@cacs.usl.edu
- CE Grads: a2fay.cacs.usl.edu
- Undergrads & other grads: ucs.usl.edu, ea.usl.edu
- Univ. of Texas/Austin:
- Student/Faculty/Staff: walt.cc.utexas.edu, happy.cc.utexas.edu
- (these are NFS Sun2's).
- Class Accounts: ix1.cc.utexas.edu, ix2.cc.utexas.edu,
- emx.utexas.edu
- CS: cs.utexas.edu
- ECE Research Group: unga-gw.ece.utexas.edu, ece.utexas.edu
- Chemical Engineering (Grads, Faculty): che.utexas.edu
- The University of Texas at Austin maintains an online database which
- contains, among other things, a Faculty/Staff/Student directory.
- Telnet to utcat.utexas.edu to log on, hit a couple of returns, and
- just follow the prompt to get to the directory.
- Univ. of Texas/Dallas: fllllll@utdallas.edu
- Univ. of Texas/San Antonio:
- Student/Faculty/Staff: lonestar.utsa.edu
- CS: ringer.cs.utsa.edu
- Usernames are typically first initial last name except
- for faculty usernames on ringer which are last name only.
- Univ. of Toronto: (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
- The University has two domains: toronto.edu and utoronto.ca.
- Computer Science: cs.utoronto.ca
- Computer Systems Research Institute: csri.utoronto.ca
- C.S. Undergrads (Computing Disciplines Facility): cdf.utoronto.ca
- Engineering Computing Facility: ecf.utoronto.ca
- All of these support Finger; try finger lastname@host.
- Univ. of Trondheim (Norway)
- Students at the University of Trondheim can be reached at the
- following mail adresses:
- NTH (Norw. Inst of Techn.) : userid@solan.unit.no
- AVH (Coll. of Arts and Science) firstname.lastname@avh.unit.no
- A postmaster service exists at both sites. Employees and
- students at AVH can also be found in the EAN Directory Service.
- The Norwegian Institute of Technology, aka NTH (Norges Tekniske
- Hoegskole). All students at NTH have the right to open an account on
- the the email machines, but this right is not very heavily advertized,
- so most people don't use the machines. Login names may be FLLLLLLL,
- LLLLLLLL, FFFFFFFF, FMLLLLLL, or (for people with very common first
- and last names) MMMMMMMM (8 characters maximum). FLLLLLLL is probably
- the most common; MMMMMMMM and especially FMLLLLLL is probably quite
- rare. LLLLLLLL and FFFFFFFFF may be used if the user's last or first
- names are not not very common, especially if they are foreign.
- Univ. of the Pacific:
- @madvax.uop.edu, @uop.uop.edu
- Usernames are a name and an initial (in any order) or just a
- name (i.e., Joe Smith could be jsmith, joes, or joe). Contact
- postmaster for help with finding someone.
- Univ. of Ulm (Ulm, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany):
- Main campus system: rzmain.rz.uni-ulm.de. Everyone can get accounts on
- this VAX-cluster, but not everyone does.
- Students: S_lastname@rzmain.rz.uni-ulm.de
- Other: Lastname@rzmain.rz.uni-ulm.de
- Contact address: system@rzmain.rz.uni-ulm.de
- Computer Science:
- Undergraduates: login@pcpool1.informatik.uni-ulm.de; login names
- consists of maximal 6 letters of the last name and the first and
- last letter of the first name, e.g. muellehs for Hans Mueller
- Contact address: patzel@informatik.uni-ulm.de
- Graduate Students and Faculty: lastname@informatik.uni-ulm.de
- Neuroinformatik: lastname@neuro.informatik.uni-ulm.de
- Mathematics:
- Undergraduates: CFLLLLLL@colossix.mathematik.uni-ulm.de: C
- represents the course (P: Programmieren, S: Software, W:
- Wahlpflicht, F: Fan), F the first letter of the first name, and
- LLLLLL up to six letters of the last name
- Graduate Students and Faculty: lastname@mathematik.uni-ulm.de and
- firstname.lastname@mathematik.uni-ulm.de; finger
- lastname@laborix.mathematik.uni-ulm.de is possible
- Contact address: borchert@mathematik.uni-ulm.de
- Botanical Science: Contact address: hoppe@rzmain.rz.uni-ulm.de
- School of Medical Documentation:
- Students: logins are owned by groups of two students each:
- FFFFSSSS@smdmv2.klinik.uni-ulm.de, FFFF represents the first four
- letters of the first member and SSSS of the second member of a group
- finger lastname@smdmv2.klinik.uni-ulm.de is supported
- Contact address: smd@smd.klinik.uni-ulm.de
- Univ. of Utah:
- For accounts being managed by the University of Utah Computer Center,
- and any accounts that the department have turned in to the center, the
- directory is on
- and is accessible via the internet PH protocol. It is also accessible
- via the GOPHER program and it's related protocols. A limited version
- is availiable via the finger server at PH.CC.UTAH.EDU It is from this
- directory that the printed e-mail directory is made.
- CS Graduate Students: asylum.utah.edu
- CS Undergraduate Students: peruvian.utah.edu
- Pre-majors: cadehp0.eng.utah.edu
- CS Department: cs.utah.edu is the cs department main machine,
- for faculty, staff, and grads.
- Lots of departments have machines: [Very incomplete list]
- Elec. Eng.: ee.utah.edu
- Mathematics: math.utah.edu
- Physics: physics.utah.edu
- Chemistry: chemistry.utah.edu
- Chem. Eng.: che.utah.edu
- Mech. Eng.: mech.utah.edu
- Civ. Eng.: civil.utah.edu
- Biology: biology.utah.edu
- Mining: mines.utah.edu
- postmaster@xanadu.cc.utah.edu is the postmaster for more than half of
- the email accounts on campus, but not any cs machines.
- postmaster@cs.utah.edu is postmaster for CS machines
- postmaster@m.cc.utah.edu is postmaster for most unassigned students
- postmaster@science.utah.edu is postmaster for College of
- Science Machines.
- postmaster@cc.utah.edu gets most unassigned departments.
- postmaster@m.cc.utah.edu gets most unassigned students.
- postmaster@cave.cc.utah.edu gets cavers and most imaginary users.
- The medical center handles their own stuff separately, but
- they often appear in the online directory at ph.cc.utah.edu
- Univ. of Vermont:
- There are two main computing organizations on campus:
- UCS (University Computing Services) and
- EMBA-CF (Division of Engineering, Mathematics, and Business
- Administration, Computer Facility). As a general rule,
- people with accounts at EMBA-CF do not bother to obtain accounts at
- UCS. UVM's domain name is `uvm.edu', and sub-domains are not
- generally used. Most of the UVM network has most TCP ports blocked
- off, but one machine, emily.uvm.edu, can serve as a gateway for, for
- example, the finger program, (i.e., finger
- someone@somehost@emily.uvm.edu.)
- UCS has three main machines: uvmvax.uvm.edu (UVMVAX.BITNET),
- uvmvm.uvm.edu (UVMVM.BITNET), and UVMADMIN.BITNET. Accounts on UVMVAX
- (a VMS system) are generally of the form Lastname_F; accounts on
- UVMVM and UVMADMIN don't seem to follow any particular scheme, but
- Lastname and LastnameF seem to be popular. Many UCS staff people use
- their initials. UVMVAX supports unspecified finger only; UVMVM
- doesn't support finger at all.
- EMBA-CF supports computing for the departments of Math/Stat, Business
- Administration, CS/EE, and Civil/Mechanical Engineering, as well as
- the administration of the College of Engineering and Mathematics; all
- students, faculty, and staff in the Division are entitled to an
- account, although many students do not bother to get a
- non-class account. Sometimes, other people may be given
- accounts on EMBA-CF machines.
- EMBA-CF has three separate mail-spool servers, and users are free
- to forward their mail to whichever one they happen to prefer; these
- machines are uvm-gen.uvm.edu, hal.uvm.edu, and trantor.uvm.edu.
- uvm-gen is also known as just plain UVM.EDU, and most faculty and
- staff with accounts at EMBA-CF have a alias of the form
- Firstname{.M}.Lastname installed at uvm-gen. All other users, except
- for class and staff accounts, are assigned by last name, with a
- numeric suffix in case of collision. Staff accounts for work-study
- employees are usually of the form operfml. Class accounts are of the
- form ddNNNfml, where dd is the department
- (cs,ce,me,ee,ma,st,ba) and NNN is the class number; in case of
- collision, the class number or middle initial may be changed.
- There are two sub-domains: msg.uvm.edu belongs to Mach Systems Group,
- a group of graduate students involved porting operating systems (most
- notably, Mach 2.5 and 3.0) to local hardware; and med.uvm.edu belongs
- to the UVM School of Medicine, which is not very well networked as
- yet.
- Univ. of Virginia:
- More or less all students, faculty, and staff can have
- accounts that at least receive mail, but most people don't
- ever bother to get or use an account. People in the School of
- Engineering are most likely to be accessible via e-mail. The
- school's primary connections are Internet links to SURAnet
- (local NSF Regional network), but there is also a single
- BITNET link. Almost any user can be located using the
- Internet standard whois program and the whois database that
- is kept on the system named: whois.virginia.edu
- You can also try fingering lname@virginia.edu.
- Univ. of Washington, Seattle:
- CS Grads and Faculty: lastname@cs.washington.edu
- Most folks are on milton.u.washington.edu, which is the same as
- u.washington.edu. Usernames can be anything. Mail sent via
- u.washington.edu will forward to the appropriate account.
- CS students, grads, and faculty can generally be looked up by last
- name at cs.washington.edu; if not, try june.cs.washington.edu for
- grads and faculty, and wolf.cs.washington.edu for undergrads.
- Univ. of Waterloo, Ontario:
- Userids are of of the form <initials>+<surname> (e.g. mbmulroney, ghwbush),
- and may be any length (for most machines; some still restrict them to
- 8 characters. Mail servers send you back a list of possible userids
- if the one you tried doesn't match any known user.
- Math/CS undergraduates: undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca
- CS graduate students: neumann.uwaterloo.ca
- CS and Math Graduate Students: violet.uwaterloo.ca and jeeves.uwaterloo.ca
- CS faculty may be found on one or more of the primary machines
- {watdragon, maytag, watcgl, daisy, jeeves, grand, poppy, vlsi, watmsg,
- math, watserv1}.uwaterloo.ca (there are lots more)
- Engineering undergraduate students: userid usually of form
- <surname>+<initials> or <initials>+<surname>, at one of
- {chemical, civil, electrical, mechanical}.watstar.uwaterloo.ca
- Also try @1302 and @108 for chemical, civil, electrical and mechanical
- engineering -- these are used mainly for lower-year students
- from all engineering departments.
- Systems Design Engineering: watnow.uwaterloo.ca
- Physics students: physics.watstar.uwaterloo.ca.
- Art Students: artspas.watstar.uwaterloo.ca.
- Univ. of Western Ontario, London, Ontario:
- Computing and Communications Services operates a campus directory
- service as well as a campus E-mail forwarding service. This covers
- all of the faculty and staff listed in the campus telephone directory
- as well as many students. Registration is voluntary but for faculty
- and staff is reasonably complete and accurate.
- % whois -h whohost.uwo.ca name
- eg. whois -h whohost.uwo.ca smith
- eg. whois -h whohost.uwo.ca j.smith
- eg. whois -h whohost.uwo.ca john.smith
- The mail forwarding service works for common names as well:
- % mail common-name@uwo.ca
- eg. mail smith@uwo.ca
- eg. mail j.smith@uwo.ca
- eg. mail john.smith@uwo.ca
- Mail will either be forwarded to the user with that common name, or
- if the name is not unique, you will receive a returned message listing
- all users with that common name.
- Univ. of Wisconsin/La Crosse:
- username@uwlax.edu
- Usernames are arbitrary. Try fingering by the lastname.
- Univ. of Wisconsin/Madison:
- Phone book server (staff only): finger lname@wisc.edu
- CS: cs.wisc.edu
- Engineering: cae.wisc.edu
- Undergrads: Class accounts based on first and last name,
- @garfield.cs.wisc.edu.
- For other departments, you can sometimes guess the hostname
- from the department name. Thus: meteor.wisc.edu for
- Meteorology, math.wisc.edu for Mathematics.
- Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee:
- Many students - csd4.csd.uwm.edu, convex.csd.uwm.edu
- EE ugrad and grad - ee.uwm.edu
- CS grad - point.cs.uwm.edu
- CS fac - blatz.cs.uwm.edu
- Students taking Comp Sci Classes: miller.cs.uwm.edu
- In fact if you finger cs.uwm.edu you get:
- Computer Science users at UWM are normally on workstations or
- other backbone computing machines. To locate a faculty member,
- graduate student or undergraduate student, you can use the
- finger program.
- The finger program can help you locate a user who is known to the CS
- machines at UWM. To locate a user do
- finger person-X@cs.uwm.edu
- Where X=F|f if the person is a CS faculty member
- X=G|g if the person is a CS grad student
- X=U|u if the person is a CS undergraduate student
- X=E|e if the person is an Engineering student
- X=O|o Other University machines(Just some of them!)
- Undergraduates are for the most part on miller.cs.uwm.edu. Graduate
- students are usually on cvax.cs.uwm.edu. To get a complete list of
- cs-faculty, finger csfac@cs.uwm.edu.
- Univ. of Wisconsin - River Falls:
- uwrf.bitnet
- Utah State University:
- cc.usu.edu - This is the MAIN VAX. A Vax 6510 that is usually the
- system that everyone uses for most purposes. Our
- usenet news is on this computer as well as other
- utilities. This is also the system that is a bitnet
- node (USU). So mail can be sent to usu.bitnet as well.
- mua.usu.edu - This is our Micro-VAX that is running ultrix. Because
- this is the popular domain for TinyTALK and TinyFUGUE
- programs, the active Gamers use this system.
- You can finger both systems, the account names are given in a random
- fashion that consists of a five letter code. The first two
- letters usually denoting whether the user is a student or a
- faculty member. SL___ account belong to students and FA___
- accounts belong to faculty members. The easiest way to locate
- a user is to send mail to OPERATOR@cc.usu.edu or, if your
- system supports the bitnet SEND command, use SEND OPERATOR@USU
- and ask them to look up the name for you.
- Vanderbilt University:
- Engineering faculty and grad students: @vuse.vanderbilt.edu
- (most user IDs are the three initials)
- Undergrads and other grad students: @ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu
- Most user IDs are llllllfm (8 chars max). You can't finger
- on this VAX cluster; try sending mail to
- userserv@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu; you should get a response
- within a business day or so.
- Vassar:
- Students: FMLLLLLLLLLL@vaxsar.vassar.edu. (Every student is given
- a VAX account, but few actually use them.)
- Faculty: Faculty must request an account in order to get it,
- but most of those who have accounts use them. Faculty
- usernames are lastnames followed by enough letters of the
- first name to ensure uniqueness. Their accounts are also on
- vaxsar.vassar.edu. Fingering with the username or the lastname
- will usually work.
- Virginia Tech:
- Computer Science students at Virginia Tech (aka VPI or VPI&SU for
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, normally just
- Virginia Tech, though) can be found at:
- EE: vtccts1.cc.vt.edu, eddie.ee.vt.edu
- CS: csugrad.cs.vt.edu
- Undergraduates: userid@csugrad.cs.vt.edu
- Graduate Students: userid@csgrad.cs.vt.edu
- Faculty: userid@vtopus.cs.vt.edu
- There is also the SSI Mail account. If a person has an SSI Mail
- account it will be: firstInitialLastName@vtssi.vt.edu. It is common
- for undergrad students (especially non-CS) to get an SSI Mail account
- rather than a CSU account because it doesn't cost any money.
- Wake Forest University:
- llllllfm@wfunet.wfu.edu
- Washington University, St. Louis MO:
- Arts&Sciences undergrads: fmllllll@pear.wustl.edu
- Undergrad Engineers: All have accounts on cec1.wustl.edu and
- cec2.wustl.edu (cec2.uucp). Userids are the user's three initials
- followed by a single digit for disambiguating name conflicts. If
- there is no name conflict, the extra digit is a 1. Fingering from
- outside the university sometimes works. Also, some computer science
- students have accounts on wucs1, and anyone (including people
- outside W.U.) can have an account on maria. On these machines, the
- user chooses his/her own login name to be enabled. Usernames for
- engineering faculty are just their three initials.
- Other Undergrads: Try wugold.bitnet
- Wayne State University, Detroit MI
- All students in the University, regardless of their major or college
- can have access to an account.
- Engineering: ss0.eng.wayne.edu (or nova, or ece, or any solar planet,
- e.g. sun, venus, ...)
- CS: jupiter.cs.wayne.edu, zeus.cs.wayne.edu
- These machines support finger. Most other students' accounts
- are on wu.cc.wayne.edu; try 'finger partial-name@wu.cc.wayne.edu'
- to find information about anyone with "partial-name" in their name.
- Wellesley College (Wellesley, Massachusetts)
- FLastname#@lucy.wellesley.edu, where F is first initial, and digit #
- is used only to disambiguate (e.g. JSMITH1). Finger not accepted from
- remote sites. Faculty names never get the #.
- Wesleyan:
- Accounts are on eagle.wesleyan.edu. The username is of the
- form FLname, where F is the first initial and Lname is the
- lastname of the individual.
- West Chester University:
- Users (at least undergraduates, if not others) are given
- accounts on a machine whose name is the same as the first
- letter of their last name. Usernames are of the form fllllll.
- So John Doe would be jdoe%d%wcu@isn.wcupa.edu. Send mail
- to postmaster@isn.wcupa.edu if you have questions.
- West Point, the United States Military Academy
- Host names are of the form usmaX.usma.edu, for X from 1 to 18.
- Try 'finger lastname@host', starting with usma18 (since lower-numbered
- machines tend to refuse a finger connection). Actual mailboxes for
- cadets are of the form xYNNNNCC where x is the letter x, Y is last
- digit of graduating year (e.g. 6 for 1996), NNNN is a student ID code,
- and CC is company (letter-digit, e.g. D4).
- Western Montana College
- Try f_llllllll@wmc.edu. This site has no finger server.
- Address: 710 S. Pacific, Dillon, MT 59725
- Wheaton College:
- UUCP: tellab5!wheaton!fmllllll
- Widener University:
- General: First.Last@cyber.widener.edu (it may also need a
- middle initial)
- CS: lastname@cs.widener.edu
- Willamette University, Salem OR:
- userid is <first initial><lastname> (e.g. ksmith)
- up to 8 characters
- all students, faculty and staff
- <userid>@willamette.edu
- Williams College:
- williams.bitnet. Username is YYFML (YY = year, F = first
- initial, M = middle initial, L = last initial). Some usernames
- have a _C postpended (YYFML_C).
- I believe this machine is vax.cc.williams.edu.
- Williams' postmaster will not give out user ids to outside
- requests.
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute:
- @wpi.wpi.edu
- Yale:
- Fingering name@directory.yale.edu will give you all Unix people's
- email addresses, as well as their phone numbers. Finger
- Finger@directory.yale.edu for further directions.
- Grad CS, Undergrad CS: lastname-firstname@cs.yale.edu (yalecs.bitnet)
- Undergrad Accounts (plus faculty & grad students in many non-CS
- Graduate School depts.): LLLFFFM@yalevm.ycc.yale.edu (or
- LLLFFFM@yalevm.bitnet). LLL is the first 3 letters of the last name,
- FFF is the first 3 letters of the first name, and M is the middle
- initial. Users can also request custom names. Mail queries can go to
- consult@yalevm.bitnet or postmaster@cs.yale.edu, as appropriate. Some
- non-CS undergrads can be reached at lastname@minerva.cs.yale.edu.
- Medical School: yalemed.bitnet
- =======
- ;;; *EOF*
- --
- Software Technology Laboratory dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca (David Alex Lamb)
- Computing and Information Science phone: (613) 545-6067
- Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6